What Limits?!
By Scott Brown

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Meet Scott Brown… in his own words. The first article in a series starting with how he found us, his biggest fans!

Have you ever wondered what it must be like for a caterpillar to stay in their cocoon for two whole weeks? It must get quite lonely in there. Or, maybe it's not lonely at all. What if it is one big party filled with laughter and loud music and so much positive energy that it's so overwhelming it takes your breath away? Well these thoughts swamp my mind as I'm hanging from the ceiling in my OmGym® Suspension System. Is this thing magical because I swear I can fly?! You see, I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy and what this means is that as I age, my muscles slowly weaken. At the age of 12, I lost the ability to fully walk and 14 years later, I use an electric wheelchair. I use a breathing machine that acts as my diaphragm. I rely on others to do everything physical besides type these words to you, speaking from my heart. But, this lack of movement gave me an amazing gift to dream, to imagine, to see things through an awestruck lens, and to want more out of this beautiful thing called life.

Understanding that I can do so much more than I allow myself, I decide to push my limits, but I don't try, it just happens. This had nothing to do with my disability, you see. I have been pushing the limits from an early age. One time, I launched my wheelchair off a bike jump falling flat on my face. I am high despite the crazy stuff that happens. Becoming a Yoga Instructor was an eye-opening experience and taught me so much about myself and the universe I reside in. At the time I was doing my yoga teacher training, my good friend and yoga teacher, Hannah, suggested we figure out a way I could do toes up the wall. My search began. I looked all over the internet, but then I remembered Cirque de Sole and the acrobats doing tricks with what looks like sheets. Quickly, I found out that these weren't just sheets but super strong breathable fabric used to hold weight from high places! I figured I would order fabric and attach a hook to my ceiling, but the more I searched, I decided that there must be something that already exists…